
"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story..."

-Bill Fassett

Stories of Nepenthe include legends from the pioneer days of Big Sur, tales of the arrival of the hippies in the sixties, and sagas of the extended Nepenthe family coming of age.

The one common denominator of stories told around the fireplace on the front deck are the first three words..."I remember when..."

Take a look at some of our old stories, or, if you prefer, tell us one of your own.

Our Story

Our Story

NEPENTHE stands on the site of The Log House, Big Sur, 808 feet above sea level, which was built by the old “Trails Club” in 1925.  In 1947 Lolly and Bill Fassett took over the property and moved in with their five children.

Out of the feeling that the site and its magnificent vistas were too vast, too wonderful to keep to themselves – “no individual can own it, it belongs to everyone,” said Lolly...