Ambrosia Burger


Nothing takes the place of eating an Ambrosia Burger, seated inside the restaurant or on the veranda perched high above the ocean.

But sometimes, you can't visit us, and you are longing for a taste of Big Sur at home. The preparation of our Ambrosiaburger is very simple, but it is deceptive. The quality of the ingredients and the temperature of your grill are most important.

The Patty

For 4 of these delicious Ambrosiaburgers you'll need:

1 ½ lbs of Fresh Ground Beef Selection of the finest, coarse ground, low fat beef is extremely important. Ours is ground fresh each morning before we receive it. Many butchers have tried to recreate "Nepenthe Grind," but we only get ours through Carmel Meats and Specialty Foods in Marina, CA. There is none better.

Form the meat into a six-ounce ball, and roll in your hand to form together. Lay the ball on a clean flat surface and press flat. The edges of the patty should be cracked and broken, not perfectly smooth. This really enhances flavor.

The Patty must be cooked on a hot open brazier, either over medium hot coals or open gas flame. Turn the burger only once, immediately when you see blood rise to the top. When you see clear juice rise on the cooked side, you've got a perfect medium rare.

Wait as long as possible to add cheese, as this slows down cooking time.

Ambrosia Sauce

  • 1 cup Mayonnaise
  • ¼ cup Tomato Sauce
  • ¼ cup Mild Chile Salsa

Mix the ingredients fresh for your Ambrosia Sauce. It is very simple, but what a great flavor it adds to your burger.

The Bun

  • 4 each Fresh Steak Rolls
  • 2 TBSP Butter

Butter the buns before you toast them. When you turn your burgers, toast the buns on a pre-heated flat grill, or, over the open flame next to your burgers.

The Procedure

Upon request, have fresh lettuce, sliced tomato, onion and thin slice cheddar cheese near by on a plate. The first bite of the burger should almost burn your palate. We believe you can never serve an Ambrosia Burger too fast. Serve with tossed green salad and french fries.